Welcome to My Red Cape. Long ago in another time my husband Jack and I lived in a little old red house. It was the stuff of dreams to us for the few years that we were there. I live there still a number of hours every day in imagination, with old dolls and paintings and fabrics and feather trees. I draw inspiration and happiness from the memories of that space in time and share some of it here with friends who remember how to step with Alice through the looking glass and take delight in whimsies and antiquities. ~Edyth O’Neill

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My red cape in the snow

Every 10 years or so we get snow.  You can see I have been going through old photos lately.
The snow came before I had taken the corn stalks down.

The back of the cape

 The wooden swing was a favorite place to sit. We were in lovely woods.

This was a splendid small art studio, complete with a full bath and simple kitchen. We lived in this tiny building while the Cape was under construction for three hard years.
The back door was more beautiful than the front one to me.

Newly planted shrubs show the cape was barely finished. 
Jack with his little black cat Cleo, for 14 years his faithful shadow.

An old wagon out in front

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