Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A Fairy Among the Pumpkins

Some years ago, sweet friend Jan Conwell gave me this little nine inch doll to paint, I love to paint them and have never really modeled any myself but my large drape mold back about 1990. Jan does a fantastic job making Izzies. Thought you might like to see her playing among my pumpkins. Thank you Jan!  e

This 26 inch one I made in1990 before Dixie published her Izannah Chronicles. I had no great Izannah faces to study, and had never held one in my hand.  I had seen some in collections of friends and in museums.  She has a stiffened cloth head made over a sculpy drape mold of my own making. This doll and her sisters were all sold, then years later I bought her back from the collector friend in California.  e