Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A sweet Christmas, part 2

I plan to take a flying leap at 2017, or at least a good running start. Here it comes, fast, ready or not!  I am working at filing things and bringing a little order to my desk area and also my painting spot.
There are still plenty of holiday foods here, a bit heavy on turkey sandwiches as it should be. And I am enjoying Christmas photographs, many taken by my brother.

Penny had one of her small delightful dinner parties last week.  there were several small trees instead of a large one this year.  The gray wall shelf was made by my sweetheart Jackie.
 The tree below rests on a table made by him.

Penny made the tinware at a workshop in Eastfield Village some years back.

After Church on Christmas eve I was with some of the family at Beth and Gary's home for a buffet and singing Christmas carols.

My brother and I went downtown later when the streets were very empty, to photograph some of the fairyland that is down town Fredericksburg at Christmas.

Christmas morning was time for the children's presents and a brunch of favorites.

Here is a precious little old Santa that was under my own tree from Linda. He has seen it all before but still enjoys the holidays.  I am sure he used to race about on a sled, now long ago lost, but he can sit under the tree and take quiet enjoyment of the season... about like me maybe.  e