Thursday, January 28, 2016

Eighty Five is a Blessing!

My birthday was a happy occasion, Beth baked two pound cakes and served cake and berries and whipped cream and tea to eleven of us.  For the sake of safety she used 5 candles instead of 85 which would have set off the smoke alarms!  I enjoyed the company of my little ones as ever. 

The two strands of turquoise I am wearing here are gifts from Linda who makes wonderful jewelry!

The next morning, my real birthday,  I had a few friends in for cake and tea at my house and we visited and had a great time. Barb Carroll told how she went to a local resale shop here last week and bought two good Jacquard coverlets, one with cows in the border!  Others of us discussed great finds but none could top that.   All in all a happy bright day, one to count my blessings.  I spent a little time starting a new painting.

My beloved minivan is getting on up there, she is 14 now.  Since the deer hit us on the side, she has had a number of issues, but looks great again. Vanessa is home now with a new radiator and her door lock redone.

Yesterday at the thrift store I bought a pretty rug to go in the back so she feels all dressed up. The back end was originally fitted with a third seat which Jack discarded in favor of more room for antiques, but we were left with the grooves for it. So a pretty rug looks good plus when I am hauling painting supplies the van herself is protected somewhat. She is silver outside and Copen blue inside. For an old girl she does very well.  I dress so much in denim and silver so we match.  She and I both know that one day our motors will stop but for now we are happy and looking toward spring. E