Of course I was drawn to the many hooked rugs. The samplers were another focus of the collection. Following are some of the more than 60 pictures from that day. I apologize for the darkness, my sweet little canon camera was not with me.
A beloved classic, Bluenose. The old schooner is gone now but a replica, the Bluenose II sails the north Atlantic coast.
A mixture of Spode Woodlands and a companion pattern set a fall theme.
A simple but effective large hooked rug peeks out from under a second table.
Fall colors in a penny rug.
Portraits large and small are used throughout the rooms. This charming child took my heart.
Does anyone else remember the nice lampshades we used to have of crewel embroidery on hand woven wool blanket pieces?
Home made yeast rolls!
A rare early sifter woven of splint like a basket has a tiny homespun patch. This once belonged to CT dealer Brian Bartizek's mother, a dealer collector herself for more than fifty years. I love knowing where a piece has been. I was privileged to know Phyllis B ... and stayed in her home several times when Jack and I were in New England buying for our shop. She lived in an early red house above a pond on a picture perfect farm. The barn full of antiques there was something to experience!
This post is continued in part 2. e