Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth of July in my little town

Waiting for the parade to start takes a long time.
Macy loves her tiny sister Ramsey.

 Watching the children enjoy the parade is much of the fun for the rest of us.  There were 4 old prop planes buzzing main street at the start of the parade.
Most of the crowd of several thousand  had flags to wave. It was a friendly happy crowd.  A number of floats had bands.  

A brave man on top of this.

 In the afternoon two friends gave a painting demo at Fredericksburg Art Gallery.  Besides being Fourth of July, this was also Art Walk weekend.  I went for two hours and enjoyed it.


At seven we met in Lady Bird park for a large picnic, serving hot dogs and potato salad to just over 20, along with Beth's cake, shown here by Bailey.

There was a long twilight of watching little children run and chase before we all sat still to watch a great display of fireworks. Happy Birthday USA. 
Red White and Blue Kids

Ramsey is 4 months old now.   They grow so fast! 
This is the height of Peach Season and the  Lorings are in. In addition to so much else going on, this is one of the Weekends we have horse racing here, one of only 4 a year. The town is packed with tourists and out of town family to enjoy one of our biggest summer weekends.  e