Monday, November 17, 2014

Helen Pringle's doll

 Today I had a nice visit from DeEtta, a rug hooker, doll collector,  antiquer and lovely person. She is here in Texas from MI and we had lunch together and much fun conversation. 

 I enjoyed showing DeEtta a recent addition here, the lovely little Helen Pringle Doll, Joyce, whom I have re Christened Phoebe. Phoebe is 21 inches tall and has a heart shaped hang tag showing she is one of the Salem Sisters from 1990. Helen wrote me that she made these one year for a festival in Salem MA.  Another year she made a related group called Maids and Lads of Salem.   Precious dolls.  I would love to hear from people who have any of the dolls from these two groups sold in MA, and to buy one if it is available for adoption.  Phoebe was recently sold through Withington's auction in October of 2014, to a dealer from whom I was able to purchase the doll.

Phoebe has two bonnets, a sun bonnet of cheddar colored calico and a white indoor cap. Totally charming.

I believe she is the doll at the left front corner.

A printed cloth doll in need of a bit  of added stuffing, a sampler, a Topsy and a wheel barrow are purchases from last week's Antique show here in Fredericksburg. 
Do we know who printed this one?

A house and 2 chickens, charming.

I love big toys for the dolls and bears. I keep most in the Garage until Christmas season.   e