Thursday, September 18, 2014

Two Star Rug Camp this week in Fredericksburg TX

Teachers Maggie Bonanomi, Kathy Clark, Lucille Festa, Sharon Smith, and Diane Stoffel joined directors Trish Travis and Gayle Soileau to present another great rug hooking experience here this week.  The creative excitement is almost palpable in the room full of rug makers and their colorful projects.   I have appreciated the invitation to visit and enjoy it. 


I took photos of some of the rugs. There were dozens of good ones on display. 
Hooked by Diane Lampe  and Designed by Carolyn Tobin

Hooked and Designed by Becky Marshall

An old Frost Pattern Hooked by Dorothy Panaceck.

Hooked by Melanie Stevens, Designed by Keith Kemmer

Cheryl Bollenbach pattern and hooked by Carrie Martin
The sales room was full and enticing. I bought the tree shown here. 

This does not show the fun some of us had shopping for clothing and jewelry one afternoon and eating together in some of Fredericksburg's informal eateries.  It has been a treat for me to be around some old friends in this field and to get to know some new ones.  Thanks!  E