Sunday, June 23, 2013

A small garden to enjoy

The tiny front yard has a seating area with a large glider and 3 comfortable chairs on a base of soft mulch.   There is a paved walk from the street  to the mulched area so it is never necessary to walk on the gravel.  Plants were chosen for low to moderate water usage.  Small now while newly planted, I expect most of them to spread nicely in the future.  I planted the pretty white crepe myrtle over the glider  about three years ago when we first bought this property.  It is in very full bloom right now, so full of bees I do not sit there before dusk! 
The inner yard at the side and back  of the house has the beginnings of a framework of low water plants, but filled in with any I wish for the present.  My thought on all of this is that if and when the future is dryer and watering rules more stringent, the delicate things can come out and more drought resistant plants can go in their stead.  The basic plantings will be pretty durable and well established I would hope. 
My strong preference for a New Orleans brick courtyard, ringed by azaleas, camellias, gardenias and lush growths of English Ivy and other vines crowned and centered by a great magnolia grandiflora  is not in tune with my present reality.     However, there is a small and struggling but pampered magnolia "Little Gem" in the yard; it was given to Jack and me last year by dear friend Jan B.    Jack and Jan left us within 24 hours of each other a few days after last Christmas.    e