Saturday, April 20, 2013

Not so many Bluebonnets this spring

Good morning to a fresh new day just breaking here in central Texas. After some hard days for our country it is time to start to heal and turn toward renewal. The unusually cool night for this time in April made me thankful that my tomato plants are still all in pots so they could shelter on the glassed-in porch last night. A young man is coming to help with some changes in the yard. I am taking it slowly with this new space. I have been in this smaller home for almost a year now, and have begun to shape the garden by replacing very overgrown old shrubbery with more plants of my choice. I always am guilty of planting more than I can take care of. This time will likely be no different, but at least there is the constraint of a tiny lot. There will be areas of mulch, and less grass to water. My body asks “no more gardening please” but my spirit says “just a little bit?” Small as this plot may be, I have a front yard, a side yard, a back yard, an atrium, and a sun porch, all wanting plants!  It is truly a garden home as adverised by its builder.

I favor white flowers over colors, but include some blues and purples and a bit of yellow. The play of different textures in the planting adds pleasure also. The recurring considerations of design and color and texture are another iteration of the guides for hooked rug design which steered me in that pursuit.

Gardening is not greatly different from painting except for the amount of physical effort required. I find that painting can be challenging for me now also, if I want to enjoy the currently popular plein air painting. Thirty some odd years ago I painted as an income producing full time artist. I painted imaginary children in early styles and poses for the country decorating so popular at the time. Now I paint only occasionally and just for my own pleasure. Rarely does a friend come in and ask to buy a painting. There are millions of people painting landscapes now, it is a fine way to enjoy the outdoors and the beauty of creation.

Daughter Cheryl and I will be painting on several nearby ranches this week with a group of artists visiting Fredericksburg. They are PAAC, Plein Air Artists of Colorado, here to enjoy our bluebonnet season. The display is not great this year, but at least not zero either.   Just as we can all look for the brighter side of things in life, as painters we can amplify the flowers!   Wish me luck with the walking and carrying that go along with this, I will need it!   E