Sunday, July 1, 2012

June was a scorcher!

I am thinking tonight of so many friends as well as all the rest who are without electricity today.  I hope tomorrow can bring relief for many of you.

I admit that I am completely bogged down and overcome by the tasks of moving out of one home and into another. The one we leave must have serious help to freshen it for sale soon.  I have a disorderly mess in the second one, which is why you do not see photos!  Thank all of you who have written encouraging words to us. We will soldier on. as all of us must do at times.  So.. for something happy to think of I googled Rufus Porter images, and got pleasantly lost in following some of those.    What would that man think of his fans in the 21st century!  I expect he could never have imagined us!  I have some good spaces for a few touches of his style.  I have not decided whether to paint on the wall itself, or on floor canvas and hang that, or on 4 x 8 sheets of styrofoam coated with gesso. Does anyone have the instructions which were published for doing that a few years back?   I look forward to a time when I will have brought about some order here and can think of painting again.  e