Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Round Pond Day

Today is a quiet gray day on coastal Maine, I am glad I painted a bit yesterday and the day before, because today is not a good painting day for me. I know some will find a sheltered spot and revel in a muted foggy tonal effect.

Jack and I drove a different road this morning and discovered a charming village, Round Pond, a working fisherman's cove with interesting boats and gear for that. The village surrounding the cove is full of sweet properties, for we who love rural New England architecture. There was a sign in front of one house that said "rug hooking classes". It would have been fun to stop in and visit! I kept seeing little capes, some with a for sale sign, and confess to a great longing for one as a part time home. These are well loved and dearly priced. Texas has given us such a hard hot dry year that I think I could be somewhere else for a while. One pretty blue and white house in Round Pond had a neat little sail boat on the mail box.

And next we had a luncheon date, a special meal out for Jack to enjoy a lobster at Shaw's Wharf. I ate Haddock and salad and then we finished with blue berry pie. On the way back to our cabin, we parked beside Rachael Carson's Salt Pond nature area, so I could watch the breakers come in as the sea and the little pond merge, as they do twice each day at high tide. Moving and beautiful. There is a marker there. I look at the sea birds and remember how much we owe the writer of "Silent Spring". Edyth