Welcome to My Red Cape. Long ago in another time my husband Jack and I lived in a little old red house. It was the stuff of dreams to us for the few years that we were there. I live there still a number of hours every day in imagination, with old dolls and paintings and fabrics and feather trees. I draw inspiration and happiness from the memories of that space in time and share some of it here with friends who remember how to step with Alice through the looking glass and take delight in whimsies and antiquities. ~Edyth O’Neill

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas party, lovely

Being with the antique collector's group I have been part of for so many years is a recurring joy. So true that we can make new friends, but we cannot make old friends! A Christmas party with 18 of us in attendance at Barbara's home helped get the season really under way. The first thing we were treated to was a stunning punch bowl arrangement, with a ring of gorgeous stone fruit around a bowl full of bourbon slush. This icy delight was like a slurpy for grown ups, or a soft bourbon snow cone. May Santa bring something so nice to you too! Lunch was a green salad and a large mug of hot bean and cheese and celery soup, and a pretty helping of bread pudding to follow. Barbara's Christmas collection is awesome, and her lovely old naive paintings are every where. The deer painting is an almost life size head.

After the luncheon, two friends stopped by our house to see how Jack and I have decorated so far. We do not have a large number of Christmas collectibles, so we go in for more wreaths and greenery, and of course our trees.
Here are some photos to share from the party yesterday. Warmly, Edyth

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