Dear Friends, I am without my computer, dear Mouseburger the 3rd has died. I am waiting on Dell to send Mouseburger the 4th and then must try to get all the familiar programs back up on it, so I can work with our camera, and email contacts etc. I am normaly one who is up part of every night on the computer, and in touch with it many times throughout the days. Just before the hard drive died I was working on an article for Dixie Redmond's site, Maida Today
I hope those of you who enjoy antique dolls will find and enjoy that new site, up less than a month and already having 1000's of hits, literaly! Because some spammers got on with their unpleasant ads, Dixie has had to make it a members only site, just Say Edyth sent you and she will approve you and that is all it takes to get on and enjoy this mixture of doll related content. If the partial address above does not get you on, google search the web for MAIDA Dixie Redmond.
Today Jack and I drove out to the Willow City loop to check for Bluebonnets. I want to do some paintings when they are out good! We are off to the start of a glorious spring, i wish all of you the same, Warmly, E
Welcome to My Red Cape. Long ago in another time my husband Jack and I lived in a little old red house. It was the stuff of dreams to us for the few years that we were there. I live there still a number of hours every day in imagination, with old dolls and paintings and fabrics and feather trees. I draw inspiration and happiness from the memories of that space in time and share some of it here with friends who remember how to step with Alice through the looking glass and take delight in whimsies and antiquities.
~Edyth O’Neill