Dear Friends, it seems like all of us are experiencing extreme weather. Dixie my friend in Maine can hardly get a day warm enough to let her boys swim! Here in west central Texas, we are enduring 100 degree plus almost everyday and are in the grip of an historical drought.
Jack and I , along with several younger members of our family have been working on a second house we are offering for rent now. I got my first call about it from an ad placed today, a woman in California, moving here soon. Yesterday I began a blog to show photos of the house, it is hard to get anything nice looking without a stick of furniture in it! Any way it is bright and shining clean and fresh, and has surprisingly good spaces for just 1670 sq ft! . Will add more photos there by this week end.
Our whole family will be glad to have the little house finished, wish us luck to find a renter who will enjoy it and keep it nicely.
I will be glad to return to enjoying our own house! Star of Texas rug camp comes soon in mid September, always a highlight, and this year most of all because I will be teaching there too. That is my swan song though, I have declined to repeat there next year, or have another class planned here at our house this fall or to teach at Souder next year. I deeply appreciate the honor of the invitations, sad to say this old grey mare just ain't what she used to be. My hands will not hook much now and I will be selling 90% of my personal rug wool. I need to stay home and enjoy my own gardens and take tea with my dollies and such friends as may come to join us.
Jack and I had dear friends in the antique business some years ago, and when they began to slow down and do fewer shows, Austin Smith said " If you can't run with the big dogs, get under the porch!" It is interesting to see how as some doors close, others open, that really is true is it not? E
Welcome to My Red Cape. Long ago in another time my husband Jack and I lived in a little old red house. It was the stuff of dreams to us for the few years that we were there. I live there still a number of hours every day in imagination, with old dolls and paintings and fabrics and feather trees. I draw inspiration and happiness from the memories of that space in time and share some of it here with friends who remember how to step with Alice through the looking glass and take delight in whimsies and antiquities.
~Edyth O’Neill