Saturday, September 14, 2019

Life has so many chapters

Jack and I were at an auction late one night in Hyannisport, the doll kept going up and Jack kept nudging me to go on up also and we named the doll Heine. He was from the collection of Madelyn Merrill. After our house fire the doll was coal black, I repainted him and friend Jean sent a tiny tan linen shirt for him and I made velveteen britches. Tonight Heine is in the room that was Jack's, along with a Schoenhut toy canon which we bought at Round Top many years ago. Heine stands 34 inches tall. Many of Jack's things are still in the room, like his pottery high on a shelf and the lovely little chest he considered our nicest piece. Jackie is still with me throughout my life.

Jack loved the painting of a young girl, the eyes reminded him of our daughter Tanya,

And where am I now?  Learning about more electronics and putting together a nice little solar set up with help from my son in law Gary.   As I become more of an activist on matters of climate, and an avid reader of each day's developments, I miss Jack's fine mind and sharp views.  I wonder what he would make of where our world is today.  I invite any who have time and interest to read my FB page entitled  "Walk in Beauty" where I express my love for our Mother Earth and her indigenous children. A few of my paintings land there also.   e

On an 18th century butterfly table no less. charging with a wire through the window.