Tuesday, October 30, 2012

computer distress

My dear computer and constant companion, Mouseburger, Has suffered grievous wounds from a terrible invasion from India.  Both of my family wunderkind have worked on restoring Mouseburger to health and I am assured it is safe for me to use now. I am presented with a completely new operating system to learn and a suite of programs to learn and the loss of over 3000 photos as well as favorite links and recent email addresses.  Writing and research for future writing plus other files  are gone.  Mind boggling for me.    I have lost the way to contact many friends, so when I have  an email program working on Mouseburger again, I will request that you email me so I can have contact again.  I have lost files, but must not lose friends!  
Jack and I are thinking of so many friends in New England who have waked to see terrible effects from the storm Sandy.  Our sympathy and continuing concern are with you.  Blessings, Edyth

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Playing Dolls with Jan Conwell, talented dollmaker!

Jan Conwell drove over today and brought some of her creations to visit with me.  It was a wonderful fun filled day. Jan is an artist who has a sense of whimsy as well as understanding the classic  early dolls I have always been drawn to collect. 

Her witch Marie Leveaux is amazing!  Jan says she did not start out to make a witch, but the doll just came to be.. Those of us who make dolls understand that characters sometimes just materialize in our hands as we work,   just as painters are alert to the lucky accident and know to leave that twist of fortune as it comes.  The little boy in pajamas who did not want to go to bed was a favorite of Jack's.  The Cinderella doll stayed here with me to enjoy for a while.  Resisting the little Izannah style doll in yellow was terribly hard!     Jan these dolls are art, congratulations on your lovely doll creations.  See a few more of Jan's dolls at   http://jdconwell.blogspot.com/search/label/Izannah%20Walker%20Dolls   

Saturday, October 13, 2012

My life with a large doll family

Dixie Redmond shared this wonderful view of an old woman who lived in a shoe type. I do have so many dolls I don't know what to do with them all just now.  It is interesting to me to see someone in this shape in 1876 or so, from an old book of Dixie's.  Please click on the picture to see it full size, thanks, Edyth

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wig heads I painted

Fun to go back through old picture files on my computer.  This one is years and years back, over 20 I think!  Jack's sister found these at a flea market somewhere and I had to have them!  I did not have an old one to look at and paint from, it was before Google images, so I did not not know they should have had smaller black eyes.  I used nice early chintz for the bodice on one of them, and a piece of very early red print we had bought from dealer Don Ladd in CT.  Look at that delicate sewing basket beside them!  The handwork on the bonnet was incredible! Ex collection Felicia Sessums.  Antiques have such stories, they lead us often down happy memory trails.  Barbara Ladd I hope you are reading! Love, Edyth