Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hear Hear!

I am thrilled to have a new hearing aid! Walmart has them in the pharmacy department, just under 400 with the tax, made in USA, guaranteed. So now I can hear instructions better in an art workshop or other group setting. One I priced last month is doubtless very fine, but 7000$. This one has 4 settings and is totaly comfortable. Love it! At present I am wearing it full time, except at a music event last night which was way too loud even without the extra boost. Share this with friends and relatives who may need this to stay connected with life. I believe there are many like myself who would benifit from one. This is the case where a general level of sound needs to be amplified, not for specific ranges or special needs. Have a Great Day! Edyth

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A friend once told me "We are happiest when we are creating, because we are made in the image of the creator." Ladies from Baton Rouge LA came to visit this week, here in Fredericksburg for a quilter's retreat. We talked quilting and rug hooking and knitting and they enjoyed seeing doll quilts, many made by my friend Martha. I have several small cradles and beds to show them on. We had a great time gallery hopping and enjoying our lively little tourist town.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A homes tour.. Come along! click pics to see larger

I had over 80 photos of this property, sorry I cannot share them all! I have been asked where these homes are, for safety, I only say they are in Texas.

Do see that of all the guys there, mine was the best looking!! Maybe He is just my favorite person to be with, we do have a good time together!

a few shots from two more lovely homes

Many of these friends I have known for over 35 years, we go back over a long span of time, sharing and telling many antiqueing stories of great times and great finds, and like fishermen who remember the ones that got away, the antiques we saw and did not get home with.

more homes tour

More than half of the women wore collections of southwestern jewelry in LAYERS. Don't miss the lovely winter garden. Even the baths and laundry rooms were well decorated. Remember to click on the photos to see them larger. E Look at "older posts" down near the bottom of this page to keep reading these.