Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Too soon old, too late smart.....

I sat with Jack one evening lately and remarked on the swift pasage of time.. it is amazing how fast the time seems to stream by. He looked thoughtful for a moment and said "It works like a fishing reel, as you get nearer to the end of the line, the reel has to turn faster and faster to put out the same amount of string." I live with a most interesting man. E

Have wings, will fly

"The larger feather tree in my bed room will stay up long after Christmas. The three little angels here are new this year, Jack is really good at estate sales and tag sales. He got these three little delights in a $2 box. We did not know we had them till we got home and opened it all. They were without hair, so I gave two of them wisps of blond mohair for top knots, and we made the third one auburn haired. I am most fond of that little red head.

"The cloth Santa doll sits under our living room tree, He is 36 inches tall including his hoodie, and is one of 36 I made in the 1980's. His quilted ears and quilted beard are applied. He is a fully dressed doll under his Santa coat, with shirt and suspenders. They had 3 different beard shapes and several colors of coats and other clothing, bags etc, so were not alike. He is my original.
The dolls have a small feather tree in one of the glass cases. It is the first Christmas the linen head doll has been part of our doll family. Before I bought her at Withington's doll auction in October, I understand she had been packed in a drawer for years and years.

We are making pumpkin bread and chocolates and refreshing our green decorations today. I love the look of lots of magnolia leaves on cupboards and on the mantel. They hold for about 9 or 10 days at most in a heated house. We usually cut three times for a Christmas season.

Christmas for me has to include the music.. yesterday listening to "Christmas with Pavarotti" the tears rolled down my cheeks. I feel so grateful that my life overlapped the time of this artist and that technology enables me to hear him and sad that this great man is gone, all at the same time. Blessings to each of you,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Doll Shower Continues

Friend Jan in Fredericsburg brought two little vintage dolls, a boy and a girl, they have been together for many years and bring joy where ever they travel. The third little doll in the white apron came from unknown angels. They are off now on a ride in a priority box, and should reach their destination by Friday Dec 17th. E

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas party, lovely

Being with the antique collector's group I have been part of for so many years is a recurring joy. So true that we can make new friends, but we cannot make old friends! A Christmas party with 18 of us in attendance at Barbara's home helped get the season really under way. The first thing we were treated to was a stunning punch bowl arrangement, with a ring of gorgeous stone fruit around a bowl full of bourbon slush. This icy delight was like a slurpy for grown ups, or a soft bourbon snow cone. May Santa bring something so nice to you too! Lunch was a green salad and a large mug of hot bean and cheese and celery soup, and a pretty helping of bread pudding to follow. Barbara's Christmas collection is awesome, and her lovely old naive paintings are every where. The deer painting is an almost life size head.

After the luncheon, two friends stopped by our house to see how Jack and I have decorated so far. We do not have a large number of Christmas collectibles, so we go in for more wreaths and greenery, and of course our trees.
Here are some photos to share from the party yesterday. Warmly, Edyth

Monday, December 6, 2010

Another package to go today!

Today I am packing a vintage doll from Helen in Weatherford, another vintage doll, a boy, from Ann in Fredericksburg, the doll I finished over the weekend, And another marvelous doll quilt, this one from Lori in MI. Lori that is the best looking pink on the back, is it still available so that I may purchase some of it for doll clothing? I would love it in pink, or brown.. if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, my mama always said.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A doll shower is beginning.

Thank all of you who have responded with a doll and in other ways. The group photo represents a package sent to our honoree on Friday. They are even more wonderful in person! The little doll size Log Cabin Quilt is the work of talented quilter friend Martha. Awesome! One of these dolls came all the way from Nebraska. Be sure to click on the photos to see them larger. I made a simple dress for my little cloth girl today, the doll just loves the color! I hope to mail a second package of a few dolls early in the week. Warmly, Edyth