Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday Night not so Live

Dear Friends,
We have survived the day. Now I am inside cooling off and relaxing. We have been working at refurbishing a smaller house we have lately bought, and putting its yard to rights. Plenty of assistance from several family members. New tile is going in the little house, I love the red orange color, terra cotta is my thing. Fortunately a nephew does tile work well. Grinding out the old tile was the pits! I had rather watch all this on HGTV from the safety of my living room couch.
We sold a big 6 ft wide welsh dresser out of our antique mall booth today, it was a huge challenge to get it out of our crowded 9 by 9 booth in the height of Sat afternoon traffic, and another shelf moved in from storage and then all rearranged! Feels so good to have all that over! I promised not to take another large piece like that to the mall to sell.
I have sat a while with my dolls this evening, they must all be in place and quiet for the coming week, children to be seen and not heard, as I am having a group of ladies in to hook rugs for 3 days. It is a hot time of year to work on wool rugs in your lap! We will need lots of iced tea and inspiration to keep up the creative excitement. Penny will make a lovely Italian Cream cake and Beth wil make her special pound cake.
Have a wonderful week, the start of real summer here means peaches and blackberies and melons and sweet corn and more at the farmers market. First tomatoes from our own garden are in the Kitchen tonight. Best, Edyth