Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New year and merry Christmas all in one dear friends. The time just flies does it not? We have 7 households of our family here now, and so are much involved in all of their activities. All of our grown children but one live here, and all of our grand children are here, and one great grand and another coming soon! They all need something constantly. Jack's parents are 91 and 97 and a handful for him to care for! They are still in their own home, but no longer drive or go out much. Jack does all the errands and fixing and yard work and on and on, in between times he drives Grandchildren and keeps everything else going! Old John won't keep the doors closed behind his wheelchair so he found and killed a very significant snake in his kitchen sink this am!! Fortunately my fragile little MIL did not see it. Something every minute, but most of it good. Hope each of you are holding your own, Best, E

Two days till Christmas!

Good morning Rachael. Thank you for sugggestions of a name for my new doll. I have not settled on one yet, am considering Bridgette, we did have a lovely white cashmere goat of that name a few years ago. I miss the goats. Jack is outside now cutting magnolia leaves for me to use in the house. Incredibly there are two lovely white blooms this week, high in the top of the young but tall tree.
Our black Cat Cleopatra is helping Jack, she goes about with us all the time when we are outside, as a dog would. She will even go to the car door to greet guests who drive up and stop. Cleo moved here with us from the farm.
She was running along before me one day at the farm, when I was carrying large flower pots out in front of me and in 8 or 10 inch grass, unable to see where I was walking. If Cleo had not been ahead of me in her friendly way, I would never have seen the rattler till I stepped on all 5 feet of him. Cleo caused the snake the rear up and rattle and I saw it in time to retreat loudly! She is a highly regarded cat!
Christmas cooking and decorating and wrapping are in full swing here. Warmly, Edyth