Saturday, November 29, 2008

How do you Store your Feather trees?

Thanks all for well wishes! I am on the mend. We had a Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving at daughter Beth's home, and wish all the families in this world could be as warmly happy as we were. 8 of the children and 2 of the adults climbed nearby Enchanted Rock after the big lunch.
Elizabeth painted her new point shoes with artist's acrylics. Her dancing is such a big part of her life, and she has a dancer's barr and mirror in her bedroom.
I love that she paints a bit so am including it as a proud Grandmother should.
Today, Saturday after Thanksgiving, we are getting out our Christmas trees. (No they are not holiday trees) How do you store your feather trees? We store ours in my work area over my sewing machine. Hung from the ceiling in a simple rack they take up no space and the branches are not damaged. Best, Edyth

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A sweet fairy tale movie full of music for all ages!

Dear Melanie, this am I was too ill to go out in the early cold, I have a bad chest thing this week, must be well enough tomorrow to watch little Elizabeth dance in Kerrvile production of the nutcracker without coughing contantly. I am on a round of prednisone and it is working. Principal players from san diego ballet company, it will be a lovely performance. she has had ballet since two years old!
Jack was out early to the yard sales and saw an oriental rug we had been waitng for, but deemed it too modern in colors and pattern to please us. We could only see a small part of it last night, the back side at that! It was not high for a large rug, and just the right size for our breakfast room. Leaving that, he went to several other yard sales with limited success, then hit some older things in one, and got two folk art wall shelves, and some old Christmas bead garlands, a little box full for 50 cents. he described the balls he left and I wish he'd gotten those too! Anyway the little beads in several strands tied together have little indents and then long beads alternating, very nice. They will go on one of our trees here in the house. They are pink and silver, rather than a red I might have preferred, but they are dear. He also got at the same old house, a framed Lord's Prayer in German. Daughter Beth grabbed that!
Tonight we watched "August Rush" which we got from net flix on your recomendation. Just precious!! Jack says to ask you for more movies to order! We enjoyed it so much, thank you. So that is the story of my day, I thought of you often with the ornaments you are just starting to collect, and the lovely movie tonight. Hope you will like the little box we mailed you. Love, E

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The South is gonna rise again.

Save your confederate dollars, all is not lost. I finally am better. yesterday marked 5 full weeks of the shingles. I still have very active rash and digestive upset, but I have gotten some sleep and am a thousand percent steadier and in much less discomfort. Thank you for get well wishes. I hope all friends will consider getting the vaccine for this when appropriate (after 60 years of age).
It is a bright fall day here and I plan to go to an art show for a little while this afternoon. Best, E